Thursday, July 29, 2010

Random Thoughts - Things I Like

I love the rain.  We've been having big storms lately, with big fat saturated drops that splash happily on your face and suddenly you're sopping... LOVE IT!   Want to go play in it. Except that lightening thing.

Have you seen Inception yet?  Christopher Nolan has a very twisty brain.  Thank goodness!

If I could have dogs in my apartment, Stella, the five-week old Rotty puppy up for adoption on the Washington Humane Society page would be MINE!  She reminds me of Ron.  A very very small (and female) Ron, but...

Hmmm...  Maybe I should move?

Have you gotten addicted to True Blood yet?   I have.  I started watching the Season 1 DVDs a little over a month ago.  And now I'm only one episode behind.  Is there a cure for this?  Don't want it!  Go check out Jessica's blog, it's hilarious!!

My friend from Montana is coming to visit next week.  We will have fun, it is decreed!

Stevie Ray Vaughn is awesome. 

"Unctuous" DOES mean oily, slimy, overly solicitious... like Uriah Heep.   Just ask Webster's Dictionary.  It does NOT mean "delicious".  That's scrumptious. :-)  Not to be bumptious or anything. *snicker*

Speaking of words... I really enjoyed playing Balderdash with my niece and her friends on her 21st birthday.    It was a convivial afternoon, with a bunch of grandgousiers who fnezed.  heehee

And they learned that "hydrating while you dehydrate" is a good rule of thumb for more than just running.

Working half-days on Fridays is really fantastic.  The other four nine-hour days ain't so much fun, but starting the weekend early does NOT suck!

It's nice to know that I have friends and family who care about me.  Especially when I have a panic attack.  Or just need a hug.  Or a giggle.  That IS my name after all! LOL

And my cat is snuggly.

Take care y'all, and be excellent to each other!

Monday, July 26, 2010


I was cleaning my house (and saw pigs flying outside my window) and found my old Creative Writing folder.  There was one thing I wanted to find and was very pleased to do so.  It was an assignment to write something about someone you admired, and I wrote it about my Mom.  This might have been written 15 years ago, but it all still applies! :-)

Mom (September, 1995)

She is a short, silver-haired dynamo.  She walks very fast and with a slight lean forward, as if her legs just don't move fast enough for her.  She has an unwrinkled face with sparkling blue eyes and a bright, pink-lipped smile, and a ready laugh.  Somehow the cloud of white hair doesn't match the youth and personality shining through her.

What is her secret? "I enjoy life! I believe that if you greet each day with a smile, you can't go wrong.  I also truly believe that the more you give, the more you get. I have lived a full life, a life full of joy and sorrow, but the Lord has blessed me with the ability to accept the sorrows and celebrate the joys -- this keeps me young!"