Deborah's Marathon Journal 2003 (Home Page)

(This page is the original home page for my marathon journal from 2003. I've tried to recreate everything as it was originally posted.)

Last Page Update: 01/05/2004, 1pm

I used to only run when chased, and now I'm running a marathon!

Welcome to my training journal!

Right here, on this very page, I plan to detail the trials, tribulations, and (hopefully) triumphs of my 6-month mission to boldly go where no... wait, no... *ahem* my 6-month quest to run a marathon (yeah, that's it!). I'm 40 years old and totally out of shape, so obviously, the thing to do is run a marathon, right? (Riiiiiiight!) So I'm not completely sane... nothing new there! :-) But, the AIDS marathon is something I've thought about doing for years, but just never felt I could. Well, they keep saying they can train anybody to finish a marathon, so I'm going to take them up on it.

There are a lot of reasons why I'm doing this, but that's not what this web page is about.

So, for more details on the whys and wherefores -- (AND to donate $$ to support me in my quest, if you wish), please go to my official, personalized AIDS Marathon page. (2018 update: This link no longer exists.)

Meanwhile, back at the ranch... I plan to update this site every week with journal entries and pics, etc., so keep coming back for more shared pain :-D And PLEASE contact me if you have any ideas to make this page more interesting or easier to get through. In the meantime, please read on and laugh or cringe along with me.

Thanks for stopping by and reading my journal! Enjoy!


My friend Lisa sent me this all-too-appropriate comics strip... toooooo funny!





Table of Contents

Click on the links below to read a particular week's journal entry.

*Week 1 - May 4
*Week 2 - May 11
*Week 3 - May 18
*Week 4 - May 25
*Week 5 - June 1
*Week 6 - June 8
*Week 7 - June 15
*Week 8 - June 22
*Week 9 - June 29
*Week 10 - July 6
*Week 11 - July 13
*Week 12 - July 20
*Week 13 - July 27
*Week 14 - August 3
*Week 15 - August 10
*Week 16 - August 17
*Week 17 - August 24
*Week 18 - August 31
*Week 19 - Sept. 7
*Week 20 - Sept. 14
*Week 21 - Sept. 21
*Week 22 - Sept. 28
*Week 23 - October 5

*Week 24 - October 12

Baltimore Marathon - October 18

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