A pet kitten

For me:
Peace: Can't we all just get along? I would love for the wars in the Middle East to be over and all of our troops to be home, but I know that's not possible at this point. In the meantime, I send my support to the troops who are fighting those wars, as well as those protecting the homeland and military posts around the world. You stand between danger and the rest of America, and for that I cannot thank you enough.
Good will toward all: My niece is going on a mission trip to Belize the week after Christmas, to provide help and support to an orphanage. She has arranged the trip, including travel arrangement and toy/gift donations for the orphanage. My family has a huge "helping people" gene, but I could not be more proud of the example she provides to the world.
Since we can't all go with her to Belize, my hope is for those who have a little extra money to help out those who don't. Check out the Modest Needs website and see what a $10 or $20 donation can do. Or look around locally! One of my friends went to the Army/Navy store to buy socks and then distributed them to the homeless. Go to your local Food Bank and help pack or serve meals. Go to the local VA hospital and say thank you to a Vet. They deserve it!
Obviously this isn't a funny post, but it's how I feel. Or as Elvis Costello so aptly put it... What's so funny about peace, love, and understanding.? (Woah oh!)
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